30 de mayo de 2022

Noticias sobre industria creativa

30 de mayo de 2022

Noticias sobre industria creativa



Bono para trabajadoras y trabajadores culturales abre hoy sus postulaciones
Ministra de las Culturas presenta Cuenta Pública Participativa con desafíos y proyecciones para su gestión durante 2022-2023
La Unesco, el Ministerio de Educación y el Ministerio de las Culturas inauguran la Semana de la Educación Artística 2022


Celebrar los patrimonios en la Cuenca del Lago Llanquihue
Rita Rossi: “El arte nos regala libertad”
Creando Diálogos, el estreno de la vitrina creativa de O’Higgins Crea a través de la pantalla de TV
Empresa busca reactivar turismo en Valdivia de la mano de la realidad virtual
Espacios culturales terminaron ciclo formativo con talleres de producción
Se inaugura primer Cine Club de ARCOS

Música y espectáculos

When the Audience Becomes the Concert Lighting
CasaPiedra cambia de nombre: los planes del grupo francés que tendrá la concesión hasta 2062
The dance between the long tail and the short head
Music Venue Trust Launches Music Venue Properties to Purchase Grassroots Music Venues
Here’s How Apple Has Dominated Sync Licensing for Two Decades Running


Field Notes: Learning Hybridity at CPH:DOX
The World’s 25 Most Successful Media Franchises, and How They Stay Relevant
Why the attention and macro economy lights are flashing for subscription video
Improving access to finance in the audiovisual sector through MediaInvest
Iberseries & Platino Industria anuncia dos foros de coproducción en alianza con San Sebastián y Ventana Sur para su segunda edición
Los productores independientes rechazan en bloque la ley audiovisual
Los participantes de Cannes Next opinan sobre el futuro de la financiación del cine
Comcast CFO: Theatrical Window “Flexibility” Makes Film Business “More Valuable”
How the Market Crash Is Forcing Hollywood Giants to Reassess Digital Strategies

VR / Videojuegos / Tecnología

The record label addiction to virality is about the attention recession, too
How TikTok Surpassed Snapchat and Netflix
Twitter Officially Launches ‘Twitter Create’ to Help Artists and Podcasters ‘Reach Their Goals’
Pharrell Williams: Web3 Is ‘Scaring the System’
Tim Sweeney: Epic will fight Apple and Google to keep the metaverse open
SEA studios are replacing green screens with video game engines, and results are amazing
Africa’s virtual designers are already preparing for metaverse fashion
Apple in talks to buy EA gaming, Disney and Amazon also potential suitors
The creative immersive content lifecycle: from distribution to restoration
Web3 Is Our Chance to Make a Better Internet
GAMES FUND ONE: Building the Future of Games
At Cannes Next, experts assess the potential of Europe as a global leader in virtual production


Everything You Need to Know About NFTs
Someone Stole Seth Green’s Bored Ape, Which Was Supposed To Star In His New Show
NFT Art Museums Are a Good Idea
Pharrell Williams Launches a New NFT Platform Called GODA
The Future of NFTs is…Wine?
Nate Nelson cautions NFT collectors: Not your storage, not your NFTs
Struggling Digital Artist Turns to NFTs, Goes Viral on Twitter
Introducing Writing NFTs
NFTs: Empowering artists and charities to embrace the digital movement
Web3 Fan-Community and NFT Platform Highlight Announces $11 Million Raise

Artes Visuales

Museums in the metaverse: How Web3 technology can help historical sites
La ciudad como lienzo: el arte como herramienta en Santiago de Chile