23 de mayo de 2022
¿Qué hay en la prensa sobre Industria Creativa?
La estrategia de Corfo frente a la decisión de startups locales de ubicar sus matrices fuera de Chile
Yizan He tells Business Leader about art and cultural IP and how innovation can help the cultural sector recover post-pandemic
Seizing the Memes of Production
Andrea Gutiérrez, Subsecretaria de las Culturas: “Más que lecciones, hemos ganado experiencia”
Música y espectáculos
‘The Power of LGBTQ+ Music’ report
Santiago se confirma como capital mundial del reggaetón y suma artistas chilenos al reinado
I have seen the future of music. It’s scary, and utterly brilliant.
Cannes: How Japanese Anime Became the World’s Most Bankable Genre
Data shows that movie piracy is up from 2021, but hasn’t hurt Hollywood’s biggest box-office hits this year
Monthly film data insights – may 2022
Con la alimentación saludable como eje: debuta la nueva webserie del estudio de Historia de un Oso
Chile es el país de América Latina con mayor presencia en Cannes 2022
VR / Videojuegos / Tecnología
Call for Content Crystal Owl Awards Competition
YouTube Millionaires: ZHC says if you’re a YouTuber and you’re not making Shorts content, you should start “right now”
Life’s a Trip: My Journey As a Web3 Artist Thus Far
YouTube Is Beating Spotify in Podcasting, Study Says — With Almost 60% of Listeners Now Preferring Video
What Can N.F.T.s Do for Dead Artists?
Young digital creators make long-term profits by buying the right NFT; here’s how
Spotify experiments with musician NFT galleries